Conversion Optimization Rate Tips

At Search Strategy Marketing, we work with clients to raise visibility across multiple online channels with a specific focus on content. Raising visibility is a way to increase revenue across the board in your business — and harnessing the power of the Internet means that your sales can increase exponentially within a matter of months by getting your message out to the right audience.

Google’s 200+ Factors

There are many factors (200+) that determine how a website is ranked by Google, based on its ever-evolving search algorithm. Some, however, are more important than others — like link-building, proper use of text in meta-tags, text on the front end of a website, content that’s posted on a regular basis and social media participation.

conversion rate optimization tipsAnd although improving these metrics can give you a leg up in the search engines and drive traffic to your site, if your business is not experiencing conversions it is inconsequential in the big scheme of things.

In order for your business to “thrive” you want to be sure that your website is working for you 24/7 to get the most out of your investment as possible.

Here are six Conversion Rate Optimization tips that you can look at today to identify where the holes or pitfalls in your website may exist:

  1. Bounce Rate – Look at Google Analytics to determine what your website’s bounce rate is. Bounce rate should be less than 50%. In Google Analytics, you’ll be able to identify which pages are “sticky” and which ones need content work.
  2. Conversion Funnels – Find out where visitors are dropping out of the conversion process
  3. Form Analytics – If you have unnecessary information that is preventing people from moving further down the sales cycle, you may be able to make some simple changes to see conversion rates increase
  4. Visual Analytics – Test to see what pages people are looking at on your site by using a tool like Crazy Egg.
  5. Add Search Functionality to Your Website – Allow users to search your site so that they can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.
  6. User Testing – A fresh eye on a website can be very helpful in determining where users are getting stuck and where you can make improvements to usability. A company called UserTesting can help to unlock customer insights and increase your revenue.

Once you’ve identified the main areas that need changing, the next step is to create the solutions associated with the identified holes or pitfalls. We recommend making macro improvements first – easy changes such as edits to the copy on your website. And micro improvements second – such as the color of your buttons.

Finally, the last step is to split test your website to see which pages perform best. If you’re not sure where to begin, contact us for some assistance.

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Christine Penchuk Founder
Owner of Search Strategy Marketing